Gophers cause havoc in backyards by digging holes in lawns, burrowing tunnel networks, and chewing plants. Whilst there are plenty of heavy-duty methods for getting rid of them, you can also resort to scents and smells. I’ve spent considerable time finding out what smells gophers hate, and whether there’s a smell that keeps gophers away.…
Category: Backyard
Do Gophers Eat Wood / Chew Through Wood
Gophers are a scourge of gardeners the world over. They can damage backyards, and even your home in some cases. Whilst I’ve talked extensively elsewhere on the blog about what they are capable of, this guide is purely focussed on gophers eating or chewing wood. There are two types of wood that gophers can chew…
Can Gophers Dig Through Gravel (& Groundhogs)
Gravel will often be recommended as solution for filling gopher and groundhog holes in your yard. The premise is, that pea gravel is small, so as a gopher digs back into it, the gravel keeps falling back into space, like sand would. However, unlike sand, gravel cannot become moist making it easier to for a…
Gopher Damage: Lawn, Plants, Trees, Yard, & Foundations
Gophers live throughout North America meaning every home and yard it at risk from the damage they can wreak. Whether it’s a ruined lawn, holes in backyard, dead plants, or potential gopher damage to the foundations of you home, this guide will show it all. If you want to know what gopher damage looks like,…
Can Gophers Chew Through Plastic or PVC?
Gophers cause a lot of damage in backyards. When they aren’t burrowing up into your lawns, they can be digging holes in planters, chewing shrubs, and damaging grass. With that in mind, some people will turn to various methods with which to stop gophers. Using plastic barriers to stop gophers getting at plants is one…
Can Gophers Chew Through Chicken Wire?
Chicken wire is often touted as being a great defence against backyard gophers. It is used in multiple applications including guards for plants, beneath the soil in raised beds, and even underneath lawns or artificial grass. As a short-term solution, chicken wire can stop gophers, but it’s not the best solution and does have limitations,…