Racoons can cause a lot of issues in backyards. As well as attempting to get into the trash, it’s the poop I can’t stand. A few years ago, I had huge racoon problem with them pooping in my yard. After trying a range of deterrents, I found an effective strategy to deter racoons pooping in the yard – I can share that with you today.
How to keep racoons from pooping in your garden / backyard
So how do I prevent racoon poop in my yard? Well, it’s quite simple, and here’s the step by step for stopping racoons pooping where you don’t want them to.
1. Use gadgets to scare racoons away
Aside from the obvious tactics of making sure your yard is clean, employ scaring strategies to ensure raccoons stay away from your house and stop pooping in the garden.

Several tactics can be used, such as using motions flashlights in your yard. Raccoons generally do not like lights and come to hunt at night, so using motions flashlights may scare them. You might also include installing lights in your backyard.
Motion sprinklers might also help scare away the raccoons. Anytime the raccoon step into your yard, the sprinklers come on and scare them away, so they do not have time to make the mess.
I own a motion detector which you can see in the photo above. I can set it to sprinkle water when it detects a racoon sized animal in the yard. You can buy them on Amazon – click the image below to see the full product specification.
2. Try natural repellents
You can also use natural repellents to deter racoons from pooping in your yard. These repellents may include ammonia, cayenne, and vinegar. You can spray them along your yard. Once the raccoon picks up the smell, they stay away.
Another repellent some people recommend, (but I’ve not used) is by spraying animal urine as this shows another animal resides in the house and stays away. You can use dog urine, coyote urine, fox urine or even bobcat urine.
Raccoons also tend to stay away from areas where there is the presence of a male human, so spraying their urine might be the fix you never thought of.
I can’t vouch whether animal urine works – instead I used the repellent found on Amazon in conjunction with the motion detecting sprayer…. Racoons stopping pooping in my yard within days.
3. Dispose of trash securely
To stop raccoons pooping in your backyard, you need to remove the food source that is attracting them. In simple terms, don’t leave trash out or low enough for them to access.
Make sure you dispose of garbage carefully, do not leave food and water outside, use natural repellents and block all access points.
Raccoons like eating from garbage cans. You might consider placing them inside your house in the garage so that the raccoons do not reach them. If you cannot put them inside, make sure you cover them well or place a heavy object such as a rock on top of the garbage can.
I would also consider using metal cans that are difficult for the raccoons to lift and open. You could even build your own bin store.
4. Don’t leave pet bowls outside
On a similar tip, don’t leave your dog or cat’s food bowls outside. The scent of just the slightest remains will bring the raccoons back eating and pooping in your backyard time and time again.
Handy Hint: Having animals in your backyard can also attract mealworms.
Raccoons are omnivores and would eat anything they find outside. Make sure there is no food left out, which the raccoons would come to eat. These include also includes fallen fruits in case you have a fruit tree or even a BBQ you forgot to clean.
This even includes leaving water outside. Raccoons love water and may come even during the day to drink water. So, make sure you get rid of any standing water sources. Bird lovers should also avoid leaving food for their birds outside. Raccoons may also access them and eat the food.
In simple terms, if they are attracted to your garden, you will have difficulty in stopping racoons from pooping in your yard.
5. Try using animal hair
The reason this is the last tip I have on how to prevent racoon poop in backyard is because I never tried it, but some people say it works.
You simply use the hair that your dog sheds. This is not going to be that effective if it’s windy or rainy, but worth a shot if all else fails. The premise is that once a raccoons sense this, they may keep away from your yard and will stop pooping.
6. Eliminate any entry points
Make sure you have closed any small openings in your household that raccoons may use to access your yard or garden. Raccoons need a small space, and they will fit their bodies right through.

If there are raccoons already in your yard, make sure you contact a certified exterminator who will humanely remove them without hurting them. After they have been removed, make sure you close these gaps in fences.
How to prevent racoon poop in backyard: additional tips
The above is how I stopped racoons from pooping in my yard. Here’s some more things you should investigate as well (you might also find this article on preventing goose poop helpful too).
How do I make raccoon repellent at home?
There are two simple steps that you can use to make two different raccoon repellents, namely the hot pepper repellent. Here’s how to go about it.
To make the first type, mix a bottle of hot sauce or a can of cayenne pepper with a gallon of water and add a teaspoon of detergent, most preferably dishwashing detergent easy as that. You can apply this type of repellent in your garden or shrubs, trees, and garbage cans.
The second method involves cayenne pepper, jalapeno pepper and yellow onion. Boil the ingredients in two quarts of water and strain it in a cheesecloth once it has cooled. Then you are good to go. You can spray this repellent anywhere.
I’ve heard it works wonders to prevent racoon poop in a backyard.
Can racoons make me sick?
You should do anything you can to keep racoons from pooping in your garden. Whilst they rarely pose a health risk to humans, it’s not nice stepping in or smelling the poop in your yard.
However, you need to be careful as some raccoons carry diseases such as rabies, distemper, and roundworms. Most of these diseases can be transmitted to other animals and rarely to humans.
Why are there so many raccoons in large cities?
Raccoons are intelligent animals that take every opportunity they see. They have adapted to urban life as there is little or no predators around and food is always readily available.
The food sources include garbage, compost, and pet food. They thrive near human habitations hence their smaller population in less developed areas where you will find their poop in yards.
Are raccoons dangerous in yards?
Yes, raccoons can pose a danger to both humans and pets, especially when confronted. If you catch a racoon pooping in your yard, don’t approach them closely, just make a lot of noise instead to scare them off.
Raccoons have large claws and teeth that they can use to attack you when you confronted. They may scratch you and bite you, causing injury.
You might also need to avoid leaving your pets outside where there is raccoon activity. Disease can be transmitted through bites and scratches. The infections can also be transmitted through the raccoon’s urine and fecal matter as they carry dangerous bacteria that may cause the Hantavirus and roundworms.
Therefore, you should always try to stop raccoons pooping on your property to protect the health of your pets.
Do all you can to prevent raccoons pooping in your backyard. It’s just nasty, but honestly, with some patience you should be able to prevent it happening.
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Image in header via https://pixabay.com/photos/procyon-lotor-raccoon-florida-3797278/