Holes in Yard, No Mounds: Why the Small Random Holes?

One of the more mysterious and frustrating backyard conundrums will be those random holes that can appear with no mound next to them.  Sometimes these small holes in your yard can seemingly appear overnight… which begs the question: why are there small holes in my yard with no mounds? Small holes can appear in your…

Categorized as Backyard

Why Are There So Many Dead Bees in My Backyard / Garden?

Over the last few years, I’ve been finding dead bees on the ground in my backyard. They can be found on the patio, lawn, and outside the house in the garden area. It’s intrigued me enough to research the reasons why there are dead bees outside my house and in the backyard, and here’s all…

Categorized as Backyard

How Tall Do Brussel Sprouts Grow? ( + The World Record)

I’ve been growing Brussel sprouts in my backyard for a few years now and have managed to get a bumper crop this winter. In fact, the plants yielded more sprouts than before and were the tallest they had ever grown and … they were 3 foot tall! Brussel sprout plants can grow to be as…

Categorized as Gardening

What Do Brussel Sprouts Taste Like?

I’ve been growing Brussel sprouts in my backyard garden space for many years now and love the taste of them. But they can be a very divisive vegetable. So much so, that some people won’t have even tried one before as they are put off by the naysayers! If you fall into that category, this…

Categorized as Gardening

Do Brussel Sprouts Come Back Every Year?

In theory, Brussel sprouts should be one of the easiest vegetables to sow and harvest in your garden or backyard due to how hardy they are. But that doesn’t mean you don’t have to put the hard graft in, particularly when it comes to growing Brussel sprouts ever year. One of the most frequent questions…

Categorized as Gardening

When to Plant Brussel Sprouts for Christmas (Best Month)

With Christmas fast approaching, thoughts can quickly turn to how best prepared you can be this year. If you want to grow and prepare your own vegetables in your backyard or garden, you should not forget the staple ingredient of a traditional Christmas dinner, the humble Brussel sprout.  They are relatively easy to sow and…

Categorized as Gardening